Monday, April 12, 2010

A snowballs chance in...? YES!!

This link to an open letter to Jamie Oliver from the Healthy Schools Campaign is a great example of what to do next in the efforts to improve school meals, and increase awareness of the critical issue of childhood obesity.  If you read my last post about being a snowflake, you'll understand the title of this... A snowballs chance in...!  Please comment to the open letter, my blog and make some efforts on your own.

This was my comment to the open letter:

Thank you Mark Bishop for putting into words what many parents have most likely been thinking since the Jamie Oliver series started! What do we do now? Not only do we need to continually contact our government officials, we must set examples at home. Are we? Are we preparing fresh, non-processed meals for our families and providing healthful snacks? If school lunches aren't meeting YOUR standards, pack a healthy lunch and explain why to the stakeholders. If revenues start to change, someone will notice in a hurry. It’s field trip season, let’s be sure we continue practicing healthy eating while our students are traveling this spring too. Thank you again Mark and HSC for what you do!

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